Anchored Living: Faith

There’s a need for constant Cornerstone around which the foundation is laid. The cornerstone becomes the important constant object to build a strong tower. In the same way, an anchor is the corner-stone for a ship.

An anchor, in its Noun form, is a device used to connect a vessel to the bed of the water body, which prevent the vessel from drifting due to wind or current. While in its Verb form and when used with object, it is to keep hold or be firmly fixed.

Nearby our corn field is a river. When the river level rises from its sources, sometimes, huge logs meant for timber were floating. Once we spot them, we jumped into the river carrying cables or ropes in our hand. Our natural instinct downplays the possible threat from drowning as we’re at the right age for such activities.

As we ride on the huge log, amidst the strong current, we tied the ropes in the best possible place we could garner. With the ropes being tied, we search for big trees in the river banks where we’d always tie the other end of the rope.

It takes a week for the river to return to its normal flow. The log, as we watched, nose-dived into the depth of the river before it was whirled out to the fore by the strong river current. The log was tossed around until the current subsides. Yet it was not lost if we tied the ropes well.

The log, when dried well in the soaking sun, was turn into timbers in the river bank itself.

An anchor that holds the ship
Anchor of a ship

The Anchor Holds the Vessels:

The vessels or ship has anchors in them. They are lowered or thrown into the sea bed in stormy seas. Once the ship is anchored, it can withstand the threatening waves and storms of the sea.

The anchor does not keep away the threats but hold the ship strong despite the perilous behavior of the sea. When the waves soar high; the ship also soared higher. However, it was not lost in the tides. The storms may blow from side to side; yet it was not blown out of proportion.

In harbor and ports, the ships were anchored to keep them safe once the sailors found a suitable place to drop the anchor. In the vast sea, when sailors were troubled with unexpected movement of waves their anchor is their only hope.

Dropping the anchor in the most appropriate timing could save the ship and sailors from intending wreckage. And once the anchor tied them well to the sea bed there is less chance of getting lost in the vast water, which gave them hope to sail again. When the water body calm down and if they stay afloat; they will continue in their journey.

Faith as an Anchor:

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Heb. 11:1) The story of Peter’s water-walking was an adventure on faith. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the lake, they’re afraid. However, Peter beg for the Lord to let him walk in the water too.

Fixing his eyes on his Teacher, Peter got out of the boat and walked. But when he saw the wind, his faith degraded; he was afraid and beginning to sink.

Immediately Jesus reached out, when he cried for help, and caught him. Peter can walk on water till the time he has faith on the Lord. He did not sink; he was saved. The other disciples did not even bother to try!

Peter’s water walking adventure was a lesson on Faith as an anchor. In the world today, we need a constant entity as an anchor to put our faith upon. The Lord is our Rock, our fortress and our deliverer.

Faith as My Anchor:

Even before I could fully understand, I am blessed to have been faithful, to the Lord Jesus Christ, through my parents and grandparents. They taught me with practical examples to trust in Jesus Christ; to put my faith in Him. And I did that as much as I can.

In my personal prayer and time, I acknowledge Him lots. I understand God’s love through Christ Jesus very well. Life without Him would have no meaning. But it takes me time to have the courage to finally put my faith in Christ.

On that day, the called from the altar, where I proclaimed my faith in the salvation of Christ before God and man, I would not forget. From then on, Jesus Christ has been my anchor. There are times I was whirled down by my desires and lust of the world; yet I was not consumed nor lost. Christ is my anchor of life.

Poverty, sickness, and sufferings are the tides of my life; but I already have my anchor. When I get choked in hopelessness, almost losing my trust, my anchor still strapped me in His abiding grace.

There’s this fear of losing earthly possessions in the turmoil of life; yet my anchor holds. It is my anchor, the Power of Cross, bridging earth to heaven. By putting my faith in Christ, I believed, I will perish no more.

God, willingly and humbly, was my anchor and he will always be an anchor for life, with renewable cables of hope and faith.

Hope as an Anchor:

It is impossible for God to lie. So we are greatly encouraged to take hold of the hope, which is set before us. A blessed person we would be, should we hold onto the hope, at least what we have, till the end.

We have this hope (certainty of God’s promise) as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. (Hebrews 6:19)

Hope gives stability in the life of a normal Christian in the midst of storm. During the storm, our ship may drift a little, but our fixed anchor will bring us back to the moorings. In the face of adversity, those who have fixed and rooted hope will remain faithful to God.

Faith allows me to believe that despite the present moment of chaos; God still reigns. We may feel worthless, but we really matter to the God of love. My body may sliver in pain yet my soul’s anchored.

Do you have anchor for your life yet? Do you think you need one? The anchor holds….

The beauty of God’s grace lies in its availability as an anchor to the willing soul.

In the vastness of the sea
The waves high and nigh
Hold me, I’m afraid to go
To the Cross only I cling,
With hope and faith

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