Using difficulties as opportunities

Certain difficulties in life are unavoidable, although some are a result of poor decision-making. However, all that is beyond our control came here to teach us a thing about life. These difficulties were a test of time, our faith, strength, and the opportunities of our life. However, difficulties and suffering were never a cakewalk for … Read more

One more blogversary

blogging writing

Today is the 8th birthday of my blog. My heartfelt gratitude to my esteemed readers, subscribers,  and well-wishers for all the support and love over these years! My blogging platform has introduced me to the virtual world of another experience with good friends, authors, and vast opportunities through words. I was in the process of … Read more

Purpose of every believer


Beyond the joy of freedom from the clutch of impending sin, every believer carries the gospel. It is a freedom with a purpose. A true believer will find a way to spread the message about Christ. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be … Read more

A Believer

for reference

It might seem extreme or intense to describe a believer as someone different. No, dare to be different because he or she believes in something which becomes the anchor of life. In general, a believer is a person who has a religious belief or who strongly believes that something is good or right. Why do … Read more

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