Privileged Living

Life is short, fragile, and mortal. Yet it is a privilege bestowed upon us to live a life, just once. Some people enjoyed better living conditions or status, making them appear more privileged. While some people seemed deterred from privilege by their appearance or how we saw them. And it is true, privilege sans some … Read more

The dancing words


A few weeks ago, I was on my morning reading routine. Out of the blue, the words appeared to dance before my eyes. The words formed by letters in the passage appeared myopic and also far in split seconds. It’s a reminder of my good eyesight but a simple reaction of the neuron in my … Read more

Ephemeral Life

life is short

If life is ephemeral, why so care about it? The question often lingers in my mind. It is true and I believe that life is a transition – a phase for a short time. Yet we all are busy trying to accumulate material gains and status. It means we’re ambitious, hardworking, and value our lives, … Read more

Contend for the faith

stand firm on your faith

Some wars were waged, battles were fought in the name of religion. Religion does stem from faith, but faith is not religion. Contending and the attempt to protect faith in the physical realm inflicted loss and pain in this evil world. We’re in a world where the culture and traditions of a religion are upheld … Read more

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