Unconsumed: In His Abiding Grace (Paperback)


Not just once but number of times, I was rushed to the ER, with my innocent children wailing and wondering about life in the background. Sometimes in a cab, the other times by ambulance, and in my vehicle as well. But the abiding grace of God lets me unconsumed till today by this small problem. … Read more

Don’t Jumped Off As Yet

It was really humiliating, that day when I jumped off a moving truck. I seldom wanted to revisit this trip as it showed the weaker side of me. Yet, I often think of it, with a smile now though. We were sitting atop a fully loaded highway truck, which was traversing through the mountainous road. … Read more

The Water Tank on the Hill

For some years, we lived on the outskirt of the nearby town, in the hills sloping its way through another small valley. At first, it was lonely that I even mentioned it in my letters to friends who came and visited me. The days and nights are calm, with the insects chirping through to the … Read more

Consistent Care: The Eye of God

Few leaves of long-leafed coriander or culantro from my hometown are rich enough to make me feel the taste of home. Each year, my mother sent me some saplings so that we could add them to our potted plants, in the land where it is not grown. We keep an eye on them; water them, … Read more

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