Contend for the faith

Some wars were waged, battles were fought in the name of religion. Religion does stem from faith, but faith is not religion. Contending and the attempt to protect faith in the physical realm inflicted loss and pain in this evil world.

We’re in a world where the culture and traditions of a religion are upheld more than the faith. It is true, I know, that we are given the freedom to choose our faith. But the means is not the end. First, we need to know what is faith.

Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen is not made out of what was visible. Heb. 11:1

Now, when the word “God” appeared, many minds wandered because we try to use our limited conscience and knowledge to see, prove, and define God; God is experienced.

However, as you can see in many cases several people used their innate intellect, and gained wisdom to get enlightened to get followers by feeding what they like to hear.

The Faithful and the Rebels:

One simply cannot miss the Faith’s Hall of Fame and their names mentioned in Hebrews 11. They were the great examples of faith holders; the contenders. Faced with different kinds of hardships on their pilgrimage, they stick to their faith.

You will notice that some of their characters, at times, did not seem perfect for God. Yet it was their faith by which they did pleasing deeds before the Creator, which set them apart from the ordinary. They took and walked the extra mile by faith, and it is not impossible to please God with a strong faith in him.

God did not spare the rebellion on heaven and earth, which you will see first in Lucifer, Cain, Balaam, the immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Korah – they perish in their rebellion. Jude 5-11

Contend for the faith:

Jude, the half-brother of Jesus has written and repeated their faith amid the evils spreading fast during that period. Jude used the stories of the faithful and rebels to warn and encourage believers to remain faithful to Christ. By faith, we can walk with God as did the earlier mankind, for we become his children.

In the contemporary world, contending for the faith simply means that we take our commitment to Christ and His Church seriously enough to take firm strenuous action whenever such action is needed in doctrinal matters.

The rise of religious radicals has nothing to do with faith. It is more of seeking power using the name of religion among the weaker faiths. The practice is harmful, but it’s what that scripture foretold about, that a time will come when false teaching will slip in among the believers of the living God.

A call to remain faithful:

We must persevere for the faith. Our faith may not bring us worldly blessing, safety, and the desires of man and woman. Lies tickle our ears, it is enticing to the mind and pleasing for the perishing soul. We must remain guard from the false teachers.

No one will claim to be a false teacher, but their teachings will be totally acceptable to human desires. However, believers must stand firm from the false teachings and ideas spreading across the world.

One must be cautious not to fall into the trap of these sweet teachers who are lawless, lustful with malcontents, and scheming for their own gain. We must contend for the faith; to remain faithful followers of Christ. At the same time, we must help encourage others of wavering faith to not perish on the way. Stand firm on your faith. 1 Cor.16:13

Keep the faith:

Keep the faith; the world has been filled with superficial people of faith. In the name of faith, the superficial saints took took a hold on you before you get prepared. Do not look for the easy way in life. I know that those living in the developed countries have the desire to try out the old ways of living just as the ones living closer to the ground. It was both tempting for us.

Be a contender of the faith in the living God. Do not trade it for anything. In the interim, Artificial Intelligence has reached us. The intelligence more powerful than us might take us over our mind. It is useful in many ways, keeping our life easier. However, we must contend and keep the faith in the living God.

I’m just a believer, not a prophet, thus I cannot prophecy what the artificial intelligence will lead us to. Yet we used it, knew it for now.Remember, it’s getting better and better. We must felt privileged to witnessed such fast pace of life. At the same time, it enters our home, mind, perception of how we see things. I urged you to keep the faith as the faithful one did in the past.

Contender for the faith:

In the scripture, the epistle of Jude must have been placed with a purpose just before the book of Revelation. The sugarcoated teachings of the false teachers were webbing the globe as of today. Many fall prey to their teachings.

Let us buy and carry the extra oil to keep our faith burning so that we might be ready to go in with him, in the wedding banquet. Matt. 25

However, the others were late, and the door was shut, as the bridegroom arrived while they were on their way to buy oil. v.13

Therefore, keep watch, contend for the faith (my emphasis added), because you do not know the day or the hour!

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