My reminder

I keep reminding myself; that I’m fine!
Life has changed, but God doesn’t!
Ethereal beauties were of the past!
I may be in pain, but I’m fine!

I do not have enough money, but food is there!
I don’t want this chronic disorder, but who gets what they want?
I wanted to get closer to God, but I’m just a sinner.
I am loved, but not necessarily in the way I wanted.

I am stubborn for no reason, but I have to live with it.
I cannot perform my responsibilities, but life goes on.
I want to SAY IT OUT LOUD, but I have to keep it inside me.
No one will understand, but that’s fine!

I did not understand others well, that’s sad!
I keep reminding myself of the love of God.
I’m not perfect but on the way to perfection.

I may have hit the wall, but I’m fine!
I still feel the pain, but my senses are fine!
I can drive to the church and back, I’m happy!

I might not meet the right people, but that’s fine!
I lack the energy to mingle, but that’s fine!
Life has been different, but I’m still living!
I might’ve been on the wrong side of life, but God spared me!

I might be on the wrong side of a relationship, but I still have family!
I wanted to be alone, but that’s not true!
I wanted to have company, but it’s hard to keep!
Life is a mystery, but I should have a good foundation!

I wanted to fly high, but I’m still grounded!
I have opportunities to serve him, but I let it go!
I let it go easily, but not the ones that hurt!
I’m a man of follies, but I’m not disgraced!

I might not possess much right now,
but reminded myself to believe in myself.
There’s nothing wrong with living,
If I might be a liability to some.
I’m still the apple of God’s eyes.

I might not have a chance to achieve more, but I won’t give up!
Life is sometimes hard, it’s not only mine!

I’m afraid it’s my delicate mind that bears the brunt
I want to pity myself, but it won’t work that way!
One day seems long, but also very short at times.

I wanted to go through all that life could offer;
For I know the Lord is with me!
I say the Lord is with me,
But I’m just a speck of dirt in his eyes!
I’m just a pitiful dirt in his eyes.

If I could retrieve the past, I’d do better!
I’m afraid it will be the same old me.
I do not choose whom I meet, it’s my destiny!

I’ve remained unconscious for two long hours
But the renewed compassion of the Lord wakes me up
If and only if I could see him, face to face,
But I don’t want that to happen as yet!
I remember things, but not the important ones!
I remember words, but it only hurts!
I am pessimistic, but if I knew that it would help.
I talk less, but my head is full of thoughts.

I always remind myself:

If anything goes worse, I have Jesus!
If anything goes better, I have Jesus!
For every shattered dream, I have Jesus!
For every future hope, I have Jesus!
For every fear that ties me, I have Jesus!
For every pain seizing me, I have Jesus!
For everything in life, I have Jesus!

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