My Source of Significance

Several years after living from the sideline, I sometimes did feel less significant. My contributions towards the family and community, my financial instability, and the purpose my life has served so far have been less than my expectations.

In a world where core values are based on money, a person is worth their economic worth. It leaves the vulnerable without care, the rich but immoral lauded and demanding to be worshipped.

Most sadly and noteworthily, it stops the service of God.

If you’re someone like me, you tend to feel less significant. However, it was because worshipping money was lauded, but worshipping God in spirit and truth was diminishing.

If I were to measure my significance by my job, marriage, kids, or even how strong my faith is. Then, I’m struggling with the feelings of insignificance. Some of you may do so, although I’m not searching for friends.

Now. I did small things to inspire others from what I get inspired – trying to appreciate life and live with it, in a very minimal way. For me, my limitation has a lot to do with my chronic health disorder.

Although I wanted to do many things, it simply led me to count my days due to my limitations, yet I wanted to do more for my God. When given a chance or when I can have a say, I still prefer to stay less insignificant. It’s how I think better for me in a superficial community.

My Source of Significance:

My sources of significance come from God, not things. I have no good things valuable or invaluable to show them to you. It’d just be my words. My words sometimes did hurt, but I tried to retract and prevent that as best as possible.

When you have a physically weakened body, the mind roams around searching for good things. But now I know, amid my few regrets, good things only come from the Lord God.

There is no comparison for me with other things.  I may suffer and live for God, all that’s left for my offering to him is my iniquity, weakness, and pain!

What is Significance:?

Significance is ultimately shaped by our sense of belongingness. It is found not just in realizing who I am, but to whom I belong. Belongingness is powerful because with it comes a feeling of connectedness to a purpose and others.

Firstly, when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I belonged to him. Second, I belong to my family; my wife, my children, and my close relatives. Third, my community as a believer allows me to be part of something larger than life.

When I talk about community, I’m not just referring to my immediate church members, but with whom we share, connect, and contact each other worldwide, exploring more of us to become good stewards for Christ.

I feel privileged with my significance to the Sovereign God who gathers me in his arms and carries me close to his heart in good balance. Isaiah 40:10-12

No other Source of Significance:

God is the source of our significance and security, not things outside of God. If we look to others as the source of our significance and security, God is counted off from the scene. We no longer have the best setup for our personal growth and continued transformation.

We may know in our minds that God is the source of our worth. But we must daily commit to keeping Him as the source. It’s easy to slip into a situation that sidelines God.

If we not only focus on our relationship with God. We end up inflated with pride in our spirituality and miss out on the reality check that can only come from other people.

Significance with a Purpose:

If there are times I want to write off my significance, it’s quite understandable to keep away to serve the purpose of significance. In the interim, I still try to remain significant with a larger purpose for Christ, but in the little way I could devote my time.

What I’m doing now is not even worth mentioning nor a talking point. It’s too little for God.
Now, I must learn how to fit into God’s greater plan, resulting in finding the meaning, purpose, and manageability of my life.

It’s true, they said, once you discover your gifts and passion, then Scripture tells us (Proverbs 18:16) that a man or woman’s gift makes room for him or her.

My only Significance:

I have lots of time to look back on my choices; the good and the bad choices, which further shaped my life now. Then, I realized I’m nothing – without a shining significance – without God. I saw my previous name tag from my previous workplace the other day, it’s of no use to me anymore.

However, I will keep on writing all the good things I’ve been through in the face of the reality of life should it help someone and magnify the love and care of God. That’s my only significance because he knows my name.

My contribution to almost everything does not carry weight without him. In every sphere of my life inside and outside the home, I’m glad I have been cared for with love and understanding.

To all my immediate caregivers, and praise be unto the unfailing love of God.

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