Not the first choice

She’s not the first choice. But she got married to him. Her will nor her love wasn’t mentioned. She did as his father wanted her to do. But he still longed for his first choice. He kept working for another seven years for his first choice.

She did become the mother of the line of the king.

Her story was fascinating to me. One can only imagine what she went through as a despised wife. We all wanted to be the first choice! What if our life partners all were our first love?

In the contemporary world, she might write a stunning experience of her story. Yet her obedience could be what made her the mother of the kings.

Her name is Leah; the older sister of Rachel, the first wife of Jacob, the daughter of Laban. Genesis 29:13-30

Not being the first choice:

Despite not being Jacob’s first choice and constantly being compared to her sister Rachel. Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. Her name itself is soothing as it means ‘delicate or weary‘ something I can resonate with. It’s written that  Jacob loved Rachel (more than her). And he said, “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.” V.17,18

Leah remained steadfast and focused on her responsibilities as a wife and mother. Leah demonstrated resilience by finding joy and contentment in her circumstances.

When the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. V.32 Thus, every time she named her children she acknowledged God and finally praised the lord by naming Judah. V.35

She did not simply give in to the circumstances nor give up; her heart is always towards the Lord.

The first choice:

Everyone longed to be the first choice, but they did have exes and first loves. It makes the human heart jealous and incomplete. That’s why some people are reeling under the sting of the useless misunderstood first choice.

Being NOT the first choice is also because we did not meet at the right time. We have a different timeline. But it is God, who brought us together amid a world full of people.

We did not possess the knowledge to make a good and futile first choice. But it is only God who in his abiding grace became his first choice. Our lives may turn topsy-turvy at times.

But it is the Lord God who first loved us, we are truly his first choice!

Who is your first choice?

Not everyone has the privilege to make a choice: not everyone can bear the consequences of their choice.
Thus, the first choice did matter in our life. The trauma of living with making the wrong first choice is inescapable. Decisions whether over small or big things did matter in life. Things don’t come easy throughout our whole life.

Let us be clear about who is our first choice – in any possible ways, we did and are about to make a choice. Our wrong choice may hurt others and us. It is not easy to live a tedious life.

Yet we can start a new life in Jesus. We are his first choice; his death and sacrifice are his way of showing that he loved us to be his first choice. It is not his second choice to die for sinners.

Being Not the first choice:

If you’re not the first choice, you’re the second choice that matters – not just to be taken for granted. Being steadfast in our faith, and persevering for good can change our status. We must admit that not everyone can be the first choice except for Jesus.

My living condition now is not my first choice, it was a choice to some extent, but also a second choice I have to adjust to it. It was somehow complicated. A complicated life in God’s hands is still unwavering for his sake.

You can read my books UNCONSUMED and FROM THE SIDELINE to have a glimpse of my journey. Let me warn you that it was not interesting!

Confronting our choices:

Going back to our main character Leah, her life before and after Jacob wrestled with God becomes quite different Jacob was a deceiver who was deceived; confronting his first-choice change all around him too.

Jacob had wrestled his whole life and used tricks every time. But now, there are no tricks before God. Thus, he kept holding onto God begging for a change that would subdue his past choices. Genesis 32:24-28
He was blessed there since he begged with his heart; his name changed to Israel. His life is turned over as he begs for God’s blessing despite him being a deceiver, but a willing heart to change in fear. We are prone to make wrong or bad choices too!

We can see the change in the blessings of his sons: Judah, the son he had with Leah who was named because she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” Gen. 29:35

His blessing for Judah is recorded, “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his…” Gen. 49:9-12

The first choice and second world:

The first choice often led us to the second world of living. It can be awesome and a bit harsh at times.
I know, I cannot speak for others, however, many people find it hard to come to terms with being the second choice and the first not-very-good choice they had made. Some of us had to live with the consequences. King David too has gone through the same experience.

In God’s eye, all are equal; in His hand, all were his first choice with a pious intention to rebuild and do away with the scar of our sins or choices. We’re God’s first choice irrespective of what we are and may have done. We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Personally, although it’s hard to bear the pain at times, I’m blessed to experience God nearer than before in my chronic condition. It was a different experience of life I have had while going to work day in and day out.
I’m not glorifying suffering nor implying we all should suffer to be closer to him.

It is a glorious privilege that we are perfected in Christ, all things will fall into place for the good of self and others around us in his time.

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