Abiding Grace: Small Stuff Big Stuff


In life, some make it big some make it small.  Achievements are what we are talking about.  Unlike any other thing, it depends on who measure it and how it is measured.  Some are born to perform big things while some performed small but very important things in life.

At least before you do something worthy, your life here on earth will not end.  God has purpose in your life.  That purpose, not everyone knew in their lifetime.  Still they have done their part.  Some knew it but deny it.  However, they came back to the One in time, before it’s too late.  You are surely to have contribution at least for people around you.  How you contribute will differ.

Moses with his staff as command by God
Moses with his staff as command by God

There are times when we felt we aren’t contributing.  We are supposed to be leading but it’s just impossible to achieve that Herculean task.  You hit a dead wall on your road.  You have no strength to overcome that particular obstacle.  Let me draw one instance in Moses’ life;

Moses denies his calling but he humbled and gave in to be part of God’s mission in bringing out the Israelites from Egypt.  With God by his side, the Israelites were delivered to begin their journey towards Canaan, the Promised Land.  But then, the Red Sea stands in their way.  What Moses did here was worth mentioning; he cried out to the Lord, and he obeyed His command to hold out his stick towards the sea. (read Exodus 14)

That’s not huge at all.  He needed to hold out his stick.  Moses did the small stuff; God did the big stuff.  Moses took time to talk with God in the midst of tumultuous groaning of the Israelites.  He had conversation with God, he seeks words from Him.  That gave him way forward.  The Red Sea was divided.  The children of Israelites walked on dry land in the midst of the sea.

When life’s tempest tossed, talk to Him; seek words from Him.  We needed to do something on our part as we see here in what Moses did.  Try to do something with what is in your hand however little they might be.  To reveal the faith within us, God wanted us to do the little thing.

Joshua was given seven days to perform the small stuff, that’s what he can do best in his might.  On the seventh day, God did the big stuff for His people.  The Wall of Jericho collapsed and they conquered the city. (read Joshua 6)

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…., God will do the big stuff.

Take your time and talk to God.  It is the contribution that matters whether big or small.  You don’t have to script your big time life story.  Perform the small stuff, with great faith.

*stuff: things, activities.  Little things Big things

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