Stay Positive

‘Rest your thinking, he whispered in my ears.

Then, he went on to adjust my hands and in the armchair. I followed his instruction although my visual is a bit distracted.

“Stay positive, be positive,” he continued as he slowly massages my head. No, it’s actually over my shoulder, forehead, temples, and wherever he seems to deem fit.

His hands were not strong enough to give the kind of relief I’m supposed to receive from the massage. Yet I’m impressed, quite relaxed, because of his caring nature which is followed by actions.

The matter is negligible or trivial, but not so at this time. Now, our laptop develops a technical snag, obviously due to the children trying to design something and I don’t know what did they ended up with.

Unlike before or very much like before my head heated up faster. I am trying to figure out a way to fix our laptop before their next live class began. The problem is, I’m not tech-savvy at all.

Online Live Classes:

Oh, I almost forget to tell you that online and live classes are going on, from the school, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent Lockdown or Unlocking experiment by the Government.

It is for them to use the laptop again. And that maybe one of the reasons why my son doesn’t want me to get stress over it. I already have my neurological disorder to deal with. And, he is well aware of it and the consequences of me getting so stressed in this difficult time.

Over and over again, he told me,
“Stay positive, be positive, rest your thinking,” in my ears as he kept massaging me as much as he could.

He even goes on to add that we must pray for our problem to get it solved. And, then shut down the laptop. Take rest and wait on it.

After all, we figured out the real problem with the help of a friend and we’re able to use it again.

Be Positive:

While the world is undergoing pandemic, no good news is heard from most of the news channels. The likely economic global as we’re still battling the pandemic or even more so after the pandemic takes a toll on people’s lives.

For chronically sick persons, they are sometimes staring at the dark future of medicine and care in days to come. But let us remind each other to stay positive.

As you might have seen in your area, disease, or problems which required ER service other than Covid-19 are getting a little neglected than before. But we must stay positive. God is in control.

Stay Positive:

On a lighter vein, here we’re not talking about the term we use to refer patients, clients, or people of any kind, caste, and races. Despite the bad news surrounding us as we stay now in the “bubble” of the pandemic virus, we shouldn’t fear.

I believe that our present suffering is for us to stay stronger.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

Stay Positive and Take Rest:

We who have a good functioning brain tends to think of things even beyond our capability. And that’s what I did while trying to fix our laptop. It will be wise to go to someone who knows our needs and con advised us of the situation.

The end times approaching, as we analyzed the number of hate crimes, the warnings from geologists, scientists, and prophecies of some person disturb the mind. Yet can find rest amid anything.

Being Positive; Finding Rest:

I understand and I have been through it when waiting don’t seem to work. Nothing good is visible in the near future or it may not come. Yet for people who have certain hope in the Lord, we can find rest at all times.

Jesus Christ who is full of compassion had offered “REST” to us many times in the Bible. One such instance here I wanted to point out. He is calling you today:

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and I will give you (your much needed) rest.” (Mark 6:31 my emphasis added)

David, by trusting in the Lord, declared: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone LORD, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalms 4:8)

Thus, amid the pandemic or our chronic sickness, let’s stay positive, rest our thinking, and dwell in the Lord. Amen!

2 thoughts on “Stay Positive”

  1. I agree with you that God desires us to grow stronger, keep hoping and praying. I am reminded of 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who care called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn fro their wicked ways, then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” The world desperately needs Jesus and we need to stay strong and pray placing our trust in Him alone.


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