The Manageability of life

life management

It must have been not only me. In our lives, we desire a bit of flexibility or tractability so that the pace of life is easier to manage or handle. Our action at a time has consequences -not all that we consider bad, but with all the good vibes coming back in life. We all … Read more

The purpose of life

purpose of life

In my limited daily living, I often pondered over the purpose of life. The purpose of my existence, and that too compounded by unwanted circumstances and the reminder of being me not the owner of this life. This month is my birthday month, so I took the liberty of thinking about life in this second … Read more

The Meaning of life

meaning of life

We often struggle to identify the values and beliefs in our lives. Sometimes life is full of promises and surprises, at other times, life seems meaningless. It simply doesn’t feel good when we cannot contribute much to our family or community. When we lose this feel-good factor, we tend to think about the meaning of … Read more

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