Disparaging Remarks

As I grab a glass of hot water to warm me up this morning, I settle down to read the daily newspaper. Last week was gone, it was both good and bad. But before I go further, the disparaging remarks of politicians, not only, politicians but sometimes the writer’s words seem inappropriate to me. Daily … Read more


I was doubted. Not once, but several times. For an instance, once we were deeply engrossed in chatting with my potential relatives. We talked about the sleepless yet precious nights I’ve spent at the small prayer cabin in 2002. “Do you accept Christ as your Saviour back then?” doubted the person about me. I don’t … Read more

Hesed – loyal love

freedom depicting Love

We often underestimate the love of our Creator. We live within boundaries and with a limited mindset when it comes to loving one another. Moreover, there’s an attempt to downgrade the inclusion of certain people in the family of God. Born with a void in our hearts, we wanted to be loved and feel the … Read more

Keep Doing

nourishing lovingly

“Dad, are you tired of cleaning the house every day?” As they watch me cleaning the house, they popped me the question. They are still young willing to help me. Yet I want to give them time. Their concern motivated me to do more. “Sort of…..sometimes,” I replied. I want to hear more from them … Read more

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