Two Person Inside Me


‘Dad, you know, I’m trying very hard.’ ‘Yes, I knew it. And we need to keep trying.’ We were talking about trying to be a good person. However, there is no word to describe, succinctly, the task of keeping the good and bad side of us in balance. It’s a pity when my children, like … Read more

Deleting the Past

Deleting chapter from the past

One fine day I was busy re-arranging my books and notebooks, which were mostly half-a-decade old. It was a great reminiscence of the bygone years. The past had its meaning, especially the short notes in one paragraph or two in the blank pages summed up my condition during those days. I don’t know why I’m … Read more

“But as You Will”

Crown of Thorn

‘Nope,’ I replied blatantly. Then, I paused for a moment. Interrupting my pause they goes, ‘Oh! Yes, it’s too much. We’ve watched him suffering in the movie.’ ‘Such is his love and grace for human,’ I mumbled. The question, however, is ‘Would you suffer like him if it were for saving wayward people or unknown … Read more

Swaying Faith

Mustard seed faith

My children praying for my longevity out of pure love for me is the sweetest I could hear from them. It was in their bedtime prayer and in our devotion most of the time. Children have pure faith not like the grown man who get intoxicated by our world. Here I am talking about people … Read more

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