Abiding Grace: The Joy of Breathing

I feel obligated to talk about the abiding grace showered upon me. Synonyms of abiding are: enduring, persisting, long-lasting, lifelong, unending, constant, stable, unchanging, and many more.  While grace in its verb form is also used as dignify, bestow honor, favor, enhance, and the likes. Here in this series I wanted to emphasize ‘His abiding … Read more

Before the time comes: The Waiting Period

“Don’t be afraid.  Jesus (Christ) will calm the storm when the time comes!” My five-year-old son consoled his baby-sister. One evening, strong tropical monsoon winds blew the neighborhood unexpectedly.  As it generally happened with our young ones, our little daughter was covered in fear.   The trees bending up and down were a rare sight for … Read more

Hate Sells! What is your take?

“Hate sells!” an auctioneer assured his buyer.  The buyer looks discouraged thinking he was paying more than what he wanted.  I am watching a program on television. The auctioned items were recovered from one of the Concentration Camps during the Nazi ruled Germany.  Also, there are certain number of happenings in history and present world. … Read more

Mannequins: Flaunting their best for shoppers’ delight

Once in a while, our family went for shopping.  In the shopping area, mannequins are a common sight.  Children love them or they are afraid of them.  They meant, at the least, something to the shoppers of different age. Mannequins are lifeless.  They have no thoughts.  But they dress according to the season. They tell … Read more

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