The Water Tank on the Hill

For some years, we lived on the outskirt of the nearby town, in the hills sloping its way through another small valley. At first, it was lonely that I even mentioned it in my letters to friends who came and visited me. The days and nights are calm, with the insects chirping through to the … Read more

Only In His Abiding Grace

Few days ago, my medicine supply chain developed a snag as I try to fill my stock for the next month. There, usually, was no problem in getting my prescribed medicines. I am getting better, I would say, but I need to maintain drug level in my blood. One cannot simply stop taking medicines abruptly … Read more

Seven Words Spoken on the Cross

The time has come for the Son of God to bear the sin of humanity on the Cross. His disciples are in awe of His words. They were told what was going to happen next. Still it was hard for them to believe. Jesus Christ was their Master but then He had to accomplish His … Read more

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