The Sensitive Plant: Touch me not!

Sensitivity could make us delicate or otherwise callous. While it is one of our innate quality, it can be hugely influence by occurrences and changes in the body. Now, plucking the leaves of the Sensitive Plant, without letting it fold inward or droop in, wasn’t easy. It required lots of accuracy in approaching and moving … Read more

One More Step: Closer

On a foggy winter morning, getting up from a warm bed wasn’t easy. It is easy surrendering ourself to sleep inertia. “Get up now. It’s devotion time,” said my parents. Devotion, that’s how we say it locally. It basically involved going to church or prayer house for giving thanks and praying. Although it was a … Read more

The Smell of Harvest

The sun, at least for this year, seems to be waning a little. Autumn is here. It is time for harvesting paddy rice in different parts of the world. I gazed out at my window while sipping hot water in the morning. I could sense the smell of harvest visiting my nostrils, amidst the stinky … Read more

The Fumigated Room

They have fumigated the place with certain chemicals. I did not enquire about the chemicals they used. It was nothing unusual. It is a hospital so they are sterilizing the place. At first, my nose easily detects, for me, the unusual smell. In a day or two, I’d get used to it. Peeking back, we … Read more

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