The dancing words

A few weeks ago, I was on my morning reading routine. Out of the blue, the words appeared to dance before my eyes. The words formed by letters in the passage appeared myopic and also far in split seconds.

It’s a reminder of my good eyesight but a simple reaction of the neuron in my brain that causes it. Some years back, it was worse; a deformed eyesight occurred to me.

The words have come near me. However, they seem to dance in a well-coordinated manner. At times the words bouncing and out of the paper. So, I turn away and took a nap to reset my brain.

That morning, I am on Mark 10, trying to get into the words spoken by Jesus. So, I have to close the Bible and take a rest to prevent further progress giving me a bad shape.

Still, I remember the reference of Jesus regarding the children and the rich man, which he can’t comply with.

The remark of Jesus goes, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:25

Dancing with Words:

I love dancing with words, I prefer writing over talking. However, I need to take a rest. My brain has to get reset again. This was needed at least once a day.

The few projects, along with a regular post on this blogging site have to be paused. My book projects got stalled. I already published several books on my journey and lessons learned.

In this kind of time, we need encouragement. It is my way of reaching people for non-profit. Although I’m not a bestseller of any genre, I love writing and putting my simple thoughts into words. My words got stuck in my throat while I was about to utter my adoration and love to my dear ones.

Then, I thought of quitting on my own, not because I had nothing to write, but discouraged at times. Yet here I am again. I already quit my job for the sake of my small family, I can’t simply give up on anything now. I have to live and keep myself busy.

The momentum of the Word:

Due to my neurological disorder, I sometimes find it hard to dance in accordance with the words. The tune of the words was not that easy to get by. I stuttered, misspelled, and unable to flow with others while not picking up the tune.

The momentum of the words is the momentum of life. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

To the Psalmist, God’s word helps him to understand right from wrong as he faces choices in his daily life. He is saying God’s word teaches the meaning of obedience so that he can live confidently for God in his world each day.

Following the momentum and tune of the word of God keep him safe and comforted in his arms. I did find it hard to not stray away at times, but in his abiding grace, he accepted me just as I am.

The Power of Words:

There is power in words. I want to highlight especially the power in the word of God, in my next book. It will require a lot of work since it is in its drafting stage only.

How we use words that certainly carries a huge impact on our lives and others.

Sometimes, when my jaws are tight, I simply stay quiet and dumb, it is not the best version of me that I am fully conscious about. I felt sorry, or not!

Sweet words duly presented in a good manner heal the mind and the heart. It renewed our spirit; the spirit of love with someone around us.

The Dance of the Words:

When the words are put in order, it has tune and volume. Words make us dance, laugh, and cry. However, the dancing words in the morning were a reminder of my limitation, but also my constant need to put my trust in the living God.

This morning, I kneeled down to bow my head before God, just before I took my writing pen with me.

I’d always wanted to dance with the words that filled my head. It may not earn me a piece of bread, but I still love it.

Life is beautiful in that way; being able to do something which interest me.

Words of Encouragement:

It is wise to always give a word of encouragement to each other. Yet, I also know it can go wrong. We’re human, we may not consume the same word for comfort and hope.

However, if you’re reading those that I cannot help in your project, I’m rooting for you.

I do believe you’re rooting for me too. A time will come when all these uncertainties will come to pass. Having good words in our minds is also the fruit of the spirit.

Let it flow – giving hope, and life, healing people and the nation. Let the living water flow freely!

Your attitude alone before God, even when you do not have the right words, is enough for you.

Choosing Words:

It is how you presented the words that matter. Not with arrogance, but with humility as the savior has pragmatically taught us. Many times, it’s the tone and delivery that matters.

I have come across people who put their struggle in humorous and positive way although their suffering has not reached the end as yet.

Words can pierce our hearts deep into it, hurting us forever. Never make a false promise; do not give your work word if you don’t mean it. Try using humbling words just like your heart.

Tune me to your words:

Words alone can make you tough
Words alone can make you laugh
Words alone can break you
Words alone can mend you

Tune my heart to your words,
I will dance to your words.
It’s your words that never fail
Your unfailing words of love

I tend to get swayed, but not you.
Only in your words, I will cling
I’ll keep dancing to your tune
In the melody of your words!

Tune me to your words,
I will dance the faith dance
Tune me to your words
With my loved one I’ll dance.

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