The Manageability of life

It must have been not only me. In our lives, we desire a bit of flexibility or tractability so that the pace of life is easier to manage or handle. Our action at a time has consequences -not all that we consider bad, but with all the good vibes coming back in life.

We all desire for our lives to have meaning, purpose and the manageability to achieve the goal we set. Yet we all experience times of turbulence, disorientation, deviation from our plan, and sometimes rerouting in the most unexpected periods.

This shows that our life is not in our hands, although part of it is determined by our small contribution. Ostensibly, I live through this experience of losing the good part of my contribution. It seems unfruitful in human understanding, which makes me lose my place in the community.

I have described my innate stubborn being and my intractability due to certain neurological disorders in my book titled –Intractable; Lessons I Learned So Far from Years of Neuro Disorder. If it were only for me to manage this life that I called mine, it would be a total disaster.

From the cotton in my pocket to the SOS pill in my pocket, it’s been a memorable journey. Let me tell you I find this journey of my life worth living, especially when seeing tomorrow is not nigh. It’s only the abiding grace of God that manages my life. Even in my daily living, a day with pain or the consistent reminder of my delicate being has somehow troubled me but also helped me to see the beauty of life. 

The manageability of life:

In a Nuclear Reactor,  boron, silver, indium, cadmium, or graphite may be used as control rods. Yet our lives are much more difficult to manage. In the interim, our life feels like it lacks meaning, and purpose, and lacks momentum as well as manageability.

The wisdom that has accumulated so far in our lives is playing with us. There are two kinds of wisdom. One, the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Second, such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:15-17

Disorientation of life:

Disorientation is the result of living in a world tainted by sin. Sometimes it is caused by the wrong or sinful choice of the individual, but not always.

I believe we all have our dreams, desires, and or wants. Our wants have blinded us and misled many, which I also discussed bit by bit in my book titled The Audacity of Wants.

Our life or my life has also been hugely deviated from my planned path. It is wrong to vent or show my anger or unhappiness over to the Lord God. Yet he is open to hear us; he listens!

The grace of God is boundless that is why I’m still. Rather, God is listening whenever I talk to him although his answer may not be the way I had in my mind. I’m simply the clay; he is the maker.

Managing the second-choice world:

I often called it my second-choice world; One was being without a running job after years of hard work as I had to resign due to personal reasons. In my community, those with jobs were treated as being knowledgeable. People often forgot there was no other choice.

Two, I was introduced to the world of living with a chronic neurological disorder. This isn’t my choice. Yet I’m starting to enjoy it if no one bothers me around.

The Biblical Joseph was introduced in the strange land of Egypt, Daniel to the Babylonians, and Apostle Paul to bring Good News to the Gentiles. I know my name shouldn’t even be with God’s people. Yet there is my God and that’s the only similarity we had although they were much stronger in faith.

Managing our daily life:

The most common way to respond is to adopt control strategies like taking a new hobby, that makes us feel better in the short term. There is a limit and or boundaries to a believer in how we respond to it.

Today we’re bombarded with information and sugar-coated motivation that sounded so good and were new to us. This attracted the human mind very easily, which led many astray. However, if a certain person has a true prior commitment, one must think twice.

Spiritual disciplines and rituals that seem to make us feel better can also become idolatrous strategies for managing life. We must not get lost in the easy ways, it’s always carrying the Cross but God with us, abiding with us just as he did with Joseph, and Daniel, and with the coming of the holy spirit we will be able to manage life.

The correct response to manage life:

It is for everyone although you may not be in the pit or gorge finding it hard to manage life like me. Many times, I told people not to wait till their life becomes unmanageable or hit by something so big that may cause them pain for a long time.

But the correct response to deviation or disorientation in life is to depend on God to show us how to expand our understanding of him and adapt to the unwanted change he has allowed in our lives. Romans 5:3-4

That being said, let me tell you, it’s not easy to live in constant pain and your brain mocking you at times. Yet he revealed himself in little things like the joy of breathing, pain, sleeping, eating, and the like. I have learned all these in the EMU and ICU during my long stay in the hospital.

Manage your life well:

I do not know the situation you are in right now. However, manage your life well for the glory of God. Even though we find our daily living hard to manage, the spirit of God is here with us. Death and grief brushes with us all since it is inevitable in the fallen world.

From what I experienced so far in life, we were here for a reason; a task to perform for his glory. I try to make my today count, at times I’m disheartened. However, I’m fine as long as it leads to transformation.

You may be a devoted Christian, however, still, you may or will find it hard to manage what’s going on in life. I haven’t finished the race of life as yet. Acts 20:24 With the abiding grace of God, I hope to finish it well. And that too, after living a fruitful life for my Savior.

And, with this, I end my Birthday 2024 series. Peace and blessings to you all!

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