Certain difficulties in life are unavoidable, although some are a result of poor decision-making. However, all that is beyond our control came here to teach us a thing about life.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!These difficulties were a test of time, our faith, strength, and the opportunities of our life. However, difficulties and suffering were never a cakewalk for anyone.
Up until now, taking my difficulties and sufferings as opportunities I have turned them into several books. Yet these are not the kind of books I wanted to write.
Although I did have a dream of writing using a topic different from now, I still enjoy what I am doing right now.
Follow this link for a list of my books. Click here.
Personal spiritual growth:
I was just a normal guy until my neurological disorder crept up, which eventually shifted my thoughts and the way I wanted to spend my remaining days.
My supernatural personal on that fateful yet tiring day changed the way I perceived human life. There is a better place, to simply put it in words, than where we are now. It is way beyond what words can describe.
The Apostle Paul, in his letters or epistles, often praised the Lord’s suffering in the name of the Lord. I am not like him, my difficulties were of my own, not because of the gospel. However, my time alone in meditation brings me closer to God.
Building up the body of Christ:
Most of the time, I am alone or working alone since I can’t work full-time for now. The apostle Paul was alone, sometimes in prison, as he was perceived as spreading false teachings in his time. He was beaten, thrown out of the town, kept in the dungeon several times, and also till his death.
However, these difficulties have become a good time for Paul to feed the early believers in the light of the Lord through his words written with love and care.
His letters/epistles were meant to build up the body of Christ even in his absence. It taught them the nature of God’s love, oneness, or unity of the believers through the Holy Spirit.
Reaching others:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Phil 2 It’s more of an encouragement that we were called to do good work.
Good work is a result of the holy spirit indwelling in us. However, good work does not bring us to salvation. Salvation is only by the grace of God.
Treasuring the opportunities:
These opportunities using difficulties or suffering are not for everyone. In the eyes of the world, they are the less privileged. However, it is through them that believers were encouraged to live and suffer for and with Christ.
The apostle Paul does not boast of his seeing the heavens, but he has the opportunity to witness where he was headed in suffering for Christ.
Thus, he reiterated,’ for to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Phil 1:21-22
Not withholding difficulties:
In the end, I wanted you to know that I am not glorifying suffering or difficulties. If all these were sent with a purpose, it is good for us to rejoice even in our pain.
It may be hard to admit but our suffering here on earth is for our progress and joy in the faith, hope, and life promised to us. Our stories with God will have a meaning.
I have been a chronic sufferer, and I know it is not easy to be happy all the time. But when my focus is upward, it is different. When we focus upward, we may have an impact inwardly and outwardly.
It is he who works in you to fulfill his good purpose. Phil. 2:13