Worshipping Heart

The background music prompts me to sing out loud from my heart. So, I started worshipping on my own. There was no real music. I was alone. It was a tune in my heart. And, as I sing more often, it sounded like a song. I put out those few lines into my notes. Then, I would sing with my guitar, but my fingers were barely on the right message and chords.

My son joined me. He was just a toddler. However, we enjoyed singing together in between the pains. I waited for them to get tired so that I could get a nap too. It was precious!

I felt God has not done enough for me. Nor did I ever feel I am enough for him. Yet I wanted to worship him without any limitations stemming from my heart. I wanted a pure heart to worship him.
The heart of worship is our heart, delighting in Jesus and expressing praise to him for the true things the Scriptures teach us about who he is and what he has accomplished for us.


We, I hope you don’t mind if I included you, wanted to have a worshipping heart in our journey. A spiritually growing person has a heart of worship. Just as the Psalmist did in uttering and proclaiming only the good deeds, his faithfulness, and unfailing love of God. The psalmist wrote, “With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God. I will give glory to your name forever. Psalms 86:12

It may not mean filling the pews of worshippers. We might have a voice to lead or the ability. Sometimes nothing at all, but only a heart is pouring our weakness to our God. Praising and worshipping his mercy, love, and grace even in our most unlikely situation.


Many times, and mostly a worshipping heart rejoices in the word of God alone. We are bound to fail; the journey might not be easy. But a spiritually growing person develops a worshipping heart by the grace of God. It is not where and how that matters, but a worshipping heart with spirit and truth.

Jonah moved away from God deliberately. He went the opposite. He was chosen for a purpose. Rather than moving towards God, which is a must, he went the opposite. He knew what he is doing, but he lacks discernment. It was an attempt to misuse his ability. He must have felt guilty.

Worship due to His Salvation

When his life is ebbing away, he still remembered the one who gave him his word. From the bottom of the sea inside the fish, he proclaims and worships the Lord God. He said, But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD. Jonah 2.

Without further detailing what had happened thereafter, let’s just put it as – then he went forward with his journey to the Ninevites.

True Heart of Worship

A true heart of worship is to stay united or in union with our creator minus all the earthly desires. Our act of worshipping must not be a result of our wants for His blessings. However, our soul responds to His grace, greatness, and almighty as we flow humbly together in a relationship.

I desire that I will always possess a worshipping heart, in whatever situation I might be before I bow before his face to face.

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