Beneath the Willow Tree

There were willow trees in the corner of our mustard field. It is nearby the bank of a river. Beneath the willow I’d sat down, escaping from my routine life. The cold sand waiting for the warm sun rays, until they featured in the stipulated alignment of the earth and sun. Serene beauty, with reflections … Read more

Born With A Purpose

Irrespective of what we do, if we serve our purpose in life, we’d be a blessed person in the end. Our life, which is the means, would justify the(our) end. Longevity is a blessing but not everyone could have it. Still, a lifetime whether long or short doesn’t determine our purpose; it depends on how … Read more

Getting Ready

Before the time comes I wanted to get ready, if that’s possible at all. But it happens most of the time before I could get ready. I don’t want to get embarrassed, amongst people, by these seizure attacks. When I have this aura, which warns me of the possible attack, I am very happy. Yet … Read more

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