Dying and Living


Are we dying or living as another day passes? For sure, physical death is inevitable for humans still living in the flesh. One will not live forever, but does that bring you more fear or a deeper understanding of life? Living is dying and dying is living. It will take a whole lot of faith … Read more

Forty Days Forty Years

days in the desert

Some years down the line, I have spent more than forty consecutive days in the hospital bed in a span of a short time. When I finally reached home, I was rushed back to the ER and to the ICU again. Perhaps it was not the best of forty days in my forty years. It … Read more

It isn’t enough

Describing the subject

During the period adjoining the end of 2023 and living with the hope of welcoming 2024, I have this lingering thought on my mind. Perhaps, I didn’t feel enough or did not do enough as expected from me. I did not want to end the year with a bitter note nor did I want it … Read more


depicting the story

When I started putting up notes together, and writing, in other words, I was not free of my neurological disorder. I just went back from the hospital. Then, I take a rest. Take a laptop on my lap as I stumble through some thoughts, which turn into words and sentences, bits by bits. I will … Read more

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