Keep Doing

nourishing lovingly

“Dad, are you tired of cleaning the house every day?” As they watch me cleaning the house, they popped me the question. They are still young willing to help me. Yet I want to give them time. Their concern motivated me to do more. “Sort of…..sometimes,” I replied. I want to hear more from them … Read more

In the Wilderness of Marah

descriptive of the subject

Just a week ago, I was rushed to the ER. Those cold beds I don’t like them very much. On that particular day, I was tired and took my SOS pill a bit late although I remember taking it once the aura keeps coming. Unlike before, my spirit hit a new low this time, which … Read more

Talk to me


“Talk to me, Daddy” “ You didn’t talk to me since morning,” reminded my children. She’s been quietly pulling and pushing me in her playful mood. It’s not new to me. I can be like that only, especially when my jaws are tight from my chronic illness. There’s simply no mood to talk. Most of … Read more

Reasoning: Small things that Matter

descriptive of the subject

I like it when we reason together. I like it better when I have someone who likes to reason with me. Yet when we reason it’s mostly about the past: regrets, the road not taken, jobless, not climbing the career ladder, and many more. The changing climate can be felt by my body as we … Read more

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