Reasoning: Small things that Matter

I like it when we reason together.

I like it better when I have someone who likes to reason with me.

Yet when we reason it’s mostly about the past: regrets, the road not taken, jobless, not climbing the career ladder, and many more.

The changing climate can be felt by my body as we sat in the room trying to work out the Home Assignments of my children.

It’s none of my business whether the season changes or not, I said to myself since I’m not going anywhere more than home for now. But who knows the future in the world of possibilities.

I am requested to stay home for now….
“We’re not big enough…We’ll help you in your future ventures,” said they. And I don’t want to talk to them much about it.

Let them be happy with me and my presence as long as possible. Well, then we talked and reasoned about small things that matter.

Our ’Wants’ not our ‘needs’ were once our determiners, especially when we’re young. So as my father often does I told my little children that it’s good to have wants.

More importantly, we must work and strive towards achieving or getting it. And that’s what we are for, I continued. Do not expect everything to fall good from heaven, I paused.

They looked at me awestruck.

You’ll get what is good for you, I added. In other words, God will give you if it’s going to serve you well. “If it’s good for you” the main highlight of the day as we talked about life, which led us to reasoning of life up to some extent.

That’s when our reasoning began with few questions which might seem offending if asked by grown-ups. It’s a talk with the pure mind of the children, which I always appreciated.

Few of Our Reasonings: Talking about being Jobless.

“So, Dad, you’re jobless with an old laptop in your hand. I think it is good for you.”

I smiled and waited if they wanted to say more. Yet it seems they want to talk about it.

Looking at the situation and the nearer past, it’s possibly good for me and you, I said. When I quit the job to look after them for a while I do not know what lies ahead for me.

First, the brain surgery and chronic pain that I had endured while I worked at my previous office and while at home afterward.

Secondly, I said, due to the pandemic we’re locked at home and we’ve to learn from home. And it seems quite good since I can help you in your studies. They seem to agree with me.

I have a friend in you…..
And I don’t want to write off working again hoping my situation and health permit me again.

Talking about being Chronic: Reasoning

“Is your head spinning now?”

You can take a rest and relax your mind. I don’t want to grab your SOS pill.

No, I like talking to you.
You know what being chronic is not something I have asked for. However, it brings me closer to God. I need to really focus on my prayer for myself, you, and our family, bringing us to the Guardian Angels. Winning a day is precious, a month without minor attack more precious.

When the doctor says, “See me in 3 or 6 months” that’s when tears of happiness ensued although one shelf of our cupboard is filled with medicine for my daily doses. It is then that small thoughts but things that matter I would try reasoning.

And I think it doesn’t mean that leading a healthy life is not good. But probably a change in the momentum of life for me till it served us well.

Reasoning: About Successful in Life

“Did you do well in your high school days ? In College?” He asked.

Yes, I did. But not better than others nor lesser. Just in the middle. I answered.

I remembered one of my Viva Voce where I flickered a humorous jab at myself while talking about my grades. At the same time, highlighting I’m not alone in the category of average students.

You are supposed to do well….do you want to?

Yes, I wanted to. And I tried my best. But not everything worked out. I don’t consider myself a failure although at some level I am unable to fill in the boots I’m supposed to. I’m happy I tried my best. However, I knew I failed the success test or temptations/decisions few times.

It happens. Yet you don’t stay there, I added with more thoughts in my mind.
Now let’s put it here for today. Don’t get weakened by what you saw. But learn from it. Have strong determination.

Come Let’s Reason Together:

Just one more thing. It’s very important you hear this, I told them to listen to it.

Here is the word of the Lord God, “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah1:18

We might not want it but we’re born sinners. It might be hard to accept but we can’t escape from the sin brought about by the first man created by God.

Yet the best part is there’s a way. Our God called us for reasoning together what we hate – the situation that we too don’t want to be. And there’s a way out!

The sacrificial blood on the cross in Calvary’s mount is sufficient – meaning nothing more needed nor less efficient. Give your time today with an open heart, our God is ready to reason with us all our problems, questions about life, sin, and everything.

Lastly, an added note to my readers we often reason about life: what’s happening and what’s not happening. The instances that affect our living and through the process at every phase of our life.

It’s more like that we might not find a good opportunity and person to reason with. You know, it’s better to reason with the help of God – going and studying on the Words.

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