Bruised Before Healing


It is not painful, physically, most of the time. It simply is an IV bruised, for drawing blood samples or injections. The telltale color of black and blue lasting a few days at the IV site becomes a reminder of what had happened before. It really is nothing when the illness subsides. The bruise gets … Read more

Victory in Your Name


Give me a song in my heart Proclaiming your victory Put a new song in my mouth Claiming victory in Your name May I invoke Your power on my way, Leading to victory Victory over all suppression With victory’s song, I’ll march on Set afire my weaken being; refine me. I am what I am … Read more

Claiming Victory


‘It’s not real….’ It’s not real…..’ I need to remind myself again and again while struggling with the recent development of auditory hallucinations and my indispensable visit to the ER. Trying to shape my mind, in accordance with the real world, is my first step in claiming victory over it. Then, training my mind to … Read more

Hide Me In Your Cloak


In extreme weather where I lived Fiery-frigid waves appalled me My scarred head’s been cold In the dungeon of suffering Hide me in your cloak My cloak has been shabby now Left here in cold and nakedness Yet I wouldn’t flee from you My heart’s yearning for you Hide me in your cloak People can … Read more

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