The Day Before Yesterday

The day before yesterday’s gone
It’s gone for good, I would say
The day revealed bunch of strings
Strings of love that hold my life
The strings comes from God
Yet with no strings attached.

The day before yesterday’s gone
It’s gone forever; it won’t comeback
Some took sigh of relief; some regret
The day before yesterday’s beaming
With the hope of seeing today
As I am here now, with you.

The day before yesterday’s gone
My weaknesses gets revealed
Few sides of my rectitude as well
The day’s promising as always
As it ended the same way too
In vanity’s van it rides.

The day before yesterday’s gone
So much to look forward to;
So much to leave them behind
Everything I want to treasure
The love and care I received
Yet nothing belongs to me.

The day before yesterday’s my gift
Yesterday was a gift to me
Today is also a gift.
Tomorrow is a hope.

God's Love endures forever
Abiding Goodness

The Day Before Yesterday:

Well, the day before yesterday we, my children and I, were narrating stories and playing together as usual. They arrived home from school; we enjoyed the moment although we were somehow busy. If you’re a parent, you will understand.

In the meantime, I headed to my bed laying down my head as something seems to be going wrong. I don’t want to go in details anymore here, however, if you are a first time reader it’s about my head and nerves.

My young son rushed to me in haste.

Pa, pa, pa, bang chi, bang chi? (Dad, dad, dad, what happen, what happen (to you)?”

I am fine. I will be fine, stay calm.

He pulled a pillow for me. He understands it well because this is not the first time. It occurs many times before. As a matter of fact, it’s occurring less than before which is very good news.

Thumna kon neih sak di aw. (I am going to pray for you)”, said he as he pulled more sheets for me.

Gently running his hands on my head, and in Jesus’ name he prayed. “Don’t worry you’ll be fine,” he continued.

Although I’m moved and felt loved, as always, I focused on getting rest waiting for the dizziness and blurring eyes to stop. So when all is well, we hugged each other waiting for mommy to get home from work.

Strings of Love:

It is the strings of love that bind together our family; from the youngest to the eldest. The strings of love cannot be seen yet it can be felt.

If these strings of love are cut off, the family and its purpose will surely fail. Like the day before yesterday, love shone in our life in different ways. The strings of love are first from God and to all mankind.

The day before yesterday my weakness gets revealed. It is something I don’t want my children to know because I, sometimes afraid, they wouldn’t find it encouraging as they are growing up. But since they have seen it, they should be taught well.

The day before yesterday I looked at my Facebook post, three years ago, wanting to get home before Christmas. That year I got home just before Christmas from the hospital. I am really delighted for what the Lord has done for me.

Ending Notes:

If you are still reading I am thankful to you. Here I want to say something very important: I am NOT bragging about my son nor am I sympathizing myself before you as I write this post. In every way of life we run different race.

In the race we run, or I run, sometimes our hope-meter can dwindle due to obvious reasons. And in those moments, we measured almost everything around us in our limited mind. So, the affirming and comforting words of the Sovereign God comes in different medium.

I hope, if you are in such a situation, you’ll understand. It boosts up my hope; getting optimistic and happy inner being.

Now, the day before yesterday was gone. We can’t regret nor redo anything about it. Are we happy with The Day Before Yesterday?

Today would be the day before yesterday day after tomorrow. If we are in our fully conscious state, we can make use of it. If we think we won’t be able to make use of it due to certain reasons, we better rely in the abiding grace of God.

We are blessed in different ways. Do you think I am blessed? And what about you?

4 thoughts on “The Day Before Yesterday”

  1. A very precious story to hold near to your heart. “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” May our children lead us and bring us hope.


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