Abiding Grace: The Joy of Sharing in Sufferings

When we suffered hardships in life, we wanted someone to talk to. That too, if we are able to talk. We wanted to pour out our sufferings by letting it out. There is no joy to any types of suffering yet there can be joy to any types of suffering. Personally, I’d been through some … Read more

I am hurt!

“I am hurt!” said my five-year-old, stumbling on the ground. Anxious at what I do next. He galloped past me. I had reminded him, many times, to look out, follow my footsteps, and go slow. I waited for him to get up by himself, which I hope would make him tougher. I also wanted him … Read more

Abiding Presence

He became one amongst them. The Heaven abider abides with them. They felt enlightened when He was with them They get comforted, they felt loved. Abide in Me, He too pleaded. And Lo! He had served His purpose, Went to His Father’s everlasting abiding place. Deserted, they felt, although His return assured. His abiding presence … Read more

Playing It Our Own Way

“Papa, let’s play it my way”, demanded my five-year-old. We are in the midst of playing manual games – Snakes and Ladders. “Wait; let me think about it….” I replied. I almost gave in, to his demands. Today he had struggled a lot. By analyzing the way we played for the last thirty minutes, several … Read more

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