Please Call Me @333

Confined, quarantined, shut up in the house or courtyard for the elite class are the words doing the rounds over the world. Colleagues, friends, and families do not work together nor stay together as close as before. What we do is, we call on each other from time to time.

Calling each other, to check on the health status of each other is the norm for now. Video conferencing becomes the most popular way of meeting even for those who hardly used it. Online classes which sometimes require the students to call on their teacher is a necessity.

Here I would like to show you whom to call, especially whose word and works have no barrier when the world and its tiny yet threatening virus/plague had confined us in our home. How can we live in this time if the number of our loved ones are missing? The ones we can call anytime of the day.

The tagline of #StayingHomeStayingsafe is doing the rounds all over the world. I would like to add;


Because he will keep you safe!

As for believers, we are not someone who does not have anyone to call in our happier and difficult times. The phones in our hands are useless if we have no one to call. In the same way, if we have a functioning body that has no one to call in our life, it would become a more arduous task to carry on. Let’s not be that kind of living as long as we breathe.

Now, we’ll be talking about it here.

Helpline for Life:

There are so many helpline numbers in our everyday life now. But when we most needed it, so many helplines were cut off or were on-hold for many reasons.

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Now, this verse was given to Jeremiah when he was still confined in the courtyard of the enemies. The chosen people were captured, exile by the Babylonians as they were back to their pagan worship.

The confinement did not cut off the line of calling nor reaching the word of God to Jeremiah. Jeremiah’s life is interesting in the fact that he had served for the Lord in good times and bad times. He was even among the exiled people and play an important role in the restoration of Jerusalem.

Call him during this Pandemic:

When one morning this verse came in my mind, it is as if the Lord is saying, ‘That’s my number, you got it. Call me, I’m here; here for you.

If you read the preceding verses it says, if they call me I will cleanse them from their sin. Cleansing from our sin means he will abide with us again as he cannot abide with us as long as our sins were covering us. This pandemic is not a punishment but a chance to clean ourselves.

Calling for Communion:

Let me reiterate here again that calling God is willing to spend time with him. I don’t know what’s going on in your country, but here we’re into the 26th day of Lockdown/Containment/Confinement impose by the government to prevent community spread of the disease, COVID-19.

Praying; communion

By this time now, we are bored. The children are bored with taking online classes; not being able to go out. In this hour, it is a good time for conversation, communion with our God. We can be in self-isolation with God.

Communion with God gives us hope in the Lord. It keeps us in gratitude towards our life; being spared in times of pandemic. Here too I understand the willingness to do anything is decreasing day by day. But fight it would God with let us appreciate more not depreciating our living.

Keep thanking him. Keep hearing from him.

Calling for Healing:

Healing is in the hands of the Lord. Everything comes from the Lord; he will work according to his will and in his own time. Calling onto the Lord for healing will not go in vain.

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before. I will cleanse them from all the sin they have committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me. (Jeremiah 33:6-8)

Here is a lesson to learn. Healing is promised; when we learn the lesson that is pending.

Calling for deeper things to get Revealed:

I am afraid we may suffer uselessly by missing the point. Let us keep calling him so that we know what is going on.
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Let’s emphasize on ‘I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

There are many things, in and around the universe, we do not know.We know, a tiny or microscopic virus, unseen to the naked eye have taken so many lives with the economic recession in the offing. Yet this is so simple a thing even a normal mind could evaluate.

Someday this kind of apocalypse or catastrophic calamities is going to happen, which we already knew and study about it. But the problem lies in the fact that we have no solution. There are great and unsearchable things we do not know about tomorrow.

Here I’m afraid that we do not have the privilege of getting closer to God and heard him telling us great things during our anxious moments in life.

Calling for Restoration:

In the end, I urge you to call on the Lord for his restoration. When the Lord restores no more blunder could be caused by any kind of disaster. The chapter in the book of Jeremiah 33 is about the Promise of Restoration. It is for us to call upon the Lord.

One needs to call upon the Lord for he never messed up with the free will of ours. Once we call unto him truthfully, in righteousness, he will restore us. – it’s a promise.

In the past, God had answered the call of his servants; Moses, Job, David, Elisha, and many more.
Not getting drifted yet closer to him.

Showing there is none like you.
You’re the one I can still run to
Even though I’m not worthy.
You are my God full of life;
Compassion, mercy, and grace.
Your creations are so marvelous,
The human mind’s fooled around.
But I want to find you now.
Restore to us Your salvation
Answer us; tell us great things
Beyond the thought of men.

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