Reminder of Love

As I kept strolling for my evening walk today, I was reminded of the years when I dated a charming lady who later on became my wife. It also means that a short winter is around the corner again. The scent of love keeps coming back to me.

Our walks in the early night of those days and the breeze which carries an aroma from the plants often reminded me of those precious days.

For many, our scent of love might differ. As for me, the scent passing through my nostrils could lead me to a plethora of emotions. Old leaves falling are a reminder of changing season, which reminded me of being privileged to be alive and well.

Most of the time, it brings me back to uncontrollable melancholic feelings of the bygone years of my younger days in the countryside or the love of my parents.

The scent of my parents or to put it as the scents during those times where I stayed in our relatives’ place to study for a session or two have often been reminded through the scents of the wind which blows during those particular seasons.

The scent of my mother when I have to rely on her in my emotional rollercoaster ride while getting ready for life keeps coming back to me. Yet my mother often told me to let it go as it brings back memories of the past more often than required.

The scent of hay would often remind me of my childhood days where rice crops is nearing harvesting and the subsequent manual harvesting at the onset of winter.

Young love, also referred to as puppy love, during my teenage or later part of my teenage years is often reminded by the smell of grass, particularly the waning grass in autumn, under the moonlit night with a galaxy of stars above.

Now, coming to the biggest of all love and care my weak body often reminded me of the love the Lord my God has bestowed upon me despite my chronic health condition.

In the uncertainties of life, I am more than happy to know and have w love from the Most High!

When I know everything is under his hand – my days, my pains, and the joy of living a day, a week, or month without the need to rush in the ER (Emergency Room), it brings me great joy.

Above all, having revealed by his grace his love for me so that I am now entitled to eternal life is my greatest joy.

This love has been reminded in many ways in my daily life, more often when I read the Bible and as we discussed in our family’s evening prayer.

More often having been reminded of the love and bygone years brings loneliness in life. But it also brought a pleasure which you can share with no one – they might not really get you or at times didn’t even count for them.

The love of God – Agape love, as the apostle Paul puts it might also be referred to in the same way although it is far above comparison.

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but it is the power of God to us who are being saved. 1 Corinthians 1:18.

His love is a mystery – to those who believe it will be revealed. The more we sacrifice our so-called worldly wisdom, the mystery of his love will be made known. The lower we humbled ourselves his power will be revealed more.

Relishing the love as I sat in the corner is what I enjoyed the most. The scent of love from the word of God as I enjoyed his presence in me and around me compares to nothing in this world. For my God saw the inner of me – my iniquities and my shabby physical condition. Yet he does not forsake me.

As we looked around in our daily life we have often been reminded of the glory, love, and care of the Most High!

Remind me of your love:

Just as we’re reminded of our love for our dear ones in our life, we’re often reminded of the love of God. The Lord is sure to remind us of his love without which the human heart has been dealing with the vacuum in our heart, which can only be filled by the love of God who created us.

Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in you. My prayers go up to you; show me the way I should go. Psalms 143:8 Here the Psalmist knows that without the love of God being reminded in the uncertainties of daily life, we might go astray at any point in time.

When are you Reminded?

In the morning, noon or evening – if we’re talking about the time, we often experienced the love of God depending on how we begin or perform during the day. Although it is not fixed for everyone there are certain times and places where we were more reminded of his love.

Sometimes in the restroom and in the most unlikely situation, we were reminded of his love.

For many, happiness and sickness, loneliness in life was the reminder of God’s love in our life. The isolation room or the ICU room of the hospital or as I am being kept for observation for pre-opt and post-opt care in the hospital were good times for reminders of his love.

As we know there’s no specified time in our busy schedule of life, but we must be reminded of the love of God and the people around us.

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