When Life’s NOT Happening

‘Me too, I didn’t want it this way,’ said me. The boring looks on our face says it all. Life’s not happening in the moment. ‘It’s alright. But I wish you get well soon….’ ‘Yeah, the time will surely come.’ We used to play football in the park, ride bicycles in the nearby driveway, in … Read more

Broken Brain

“Dear God, my Papa’s brain is broken. He is experiencing too much pain. Please heal my dear daddy,” uttered my son in his bedtime prayer, as we are about to settle down in the bed. The next day, his subdued voice filled with emotions as he prayed, rang in my ear as I stayed home. … Read more

Our Reading Time at Home

My son joined me as I was reading my daily dose of devotionals. He was learning how to read. We were struggling with those repertoires of vowels. When I hold the book in my hand, he’d simply take a seat beside me, pushing me slowly. So, for the next few moments, we are going to … Read more

Raising Human

Parenting, in other words, is raising humans. It cannot be an under-performing job. More than a job, it is an obligation or duty for betterment of mankind, on a larger scale. In my younger days, I am part of raising several domestic animals. They get matured in no time. They cannot exercise their thinking power … Read more

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