The Unintended Brake

One early morning, she revved up the engine of her car. Agitated, she tried to drive off. But her car doesn’t move. In her nervousness she could not figure out what’s wrong. She’s stuck there, near the wall.

Lost in the turmoil, she called for help. When I check, I saw the parking brake un-levered. I tucked in quietly, and drive out her car as she watched. It was her brand new car, so she was slightly nervy. Otherwise, there’s no problem.

She thanked me as if I have done a huge favor. I enquired as to why she pulled the parking brake. She told me she was a bit nervy, she pulled it by mistake. It is done unintentionally..

Now, the unintended brake calms her down. She’s settled; her nervy feeling left her. She told me it was a good thing that she pulled on the parking brake unintentionally. If not, she could’ve hit the wall.

She regained her confidence and that sort of things never happen again. The unintended parking brake saved her from further consequence before she reach the main street.

The brakes in vehicles are meant for smooth driving. It helps us avoid some tiny scratches as well as huge car crash.

the unintended brake
Car parking brake; for reference only

The Unintended Brake of Life:

As you look back the past year or your past living, you would realize some kind of unintended brake you put on yourself. The brighter side is that sometimes you don’t even remember pulling the brake. It might have saved you from unwanted shameful moments or simply slowed your life. I hope, one day, we will thank God for slowing down our life a little bit.

The unintended brakes are, many times, beyond the knowledge of man. Our God has pulled the brake for us, intentionally, to save from the road we’re on. It is difficult to understand why God had pulled the brake on us even when we’re confident of what we do.

When we’re afflicted it wasn’t never easy to withstand. When we are in the valley, of the shadow of death, it was spine-chilling. However, when one got settled; have the time look back on those moments, there’s some positive note to be taken, in the least.

I wasn’t happy either; so many restraint. My life’s sailing was not smooth. Unwanted brakes are put upon me, and that’s only how I perceived it. At least for this year, there many things I am unable to perform due to various yet certain reasons.

There is a way which seems right to a man; but its end is the way of death, the Bible says. (Proverbs 14:12) No one is above the purpose of God. We are only players of a larger purpose.

The heart knows it own bitterness, and a stranger does not share its joy (either). So, why should we be bitter about the brakes? In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Unintended Brakes as Stronghold:

On the flip side, we cannot simply lay back waiting for the brake to get un-levered by someone. A cocoon struggled so that it can fly. One should not get stuck in our faulty pattern of thinking based on deception.

The unintended brakes we put on ourselves could become a building block for another venture of our life. The brakes are intend to make us stronger as we exercise all the potentials we have.

That moment of braking in our life, which we do not enjoy, could be the most important phase in our life. For it to happen we should not lose hope. Even if we perish let’s perish with a hope Christ Jesus still withholding.

When it becomes our stronghold, we see God incorrectly – not as being fair or unjust. We cannot have healthy relationship with our God.

Stronghold makes us see ourselves incorrectly. We underestimate ourselves; we undervalue ourselves. Sometimes in my sufferings, I could barely make it out of this deception. If God has the needs for us to undergo these afflictions, He’ll set us free, victoriously one day.

When the time has come, the truth will set us free. We will regain confidence, un-lever the brake, and sail smoothly in those times to come.

Gratitude for the Brakes:

Let’s give thanks for the brakes, applied to our life, by the Heavenly Father. It is because of His mercy that we are not consumed. We say, the Lord is my portion?

It is noteworthy here that the unintended brakes are that one that saves our life, from accident and unwanted circumstances. Further, it is intentionally put on by our Savior for our own good. So that our God would be magnified in our lives.

Especially, looking back this year, can we give thanks sincerely from our hearts; for all the things God has done for us the good, and the not-so-good included? God is good all the time!

In the year to come may the grace of God be with you, Dear Reader!

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