
Unconsumed simply means not consumed, not used up completely, or something remains. A thing or being going through something, which can consume them, but emerging safe or in the least still few useable qualities intact, is called unconsumed.

For instance, a metallic substance going through the refiner’s fire, but not consumed by the fire, emerging stronger, shinier, and malleated into the desired shape is one example. Here, it should be noted that the metal was not consumed by the fire.

In other words, the art of not perishing despite circumstances unbearable to human being, only by the grace of God, is what I wanted to talk about here in this space and time.

Now, we’ve been through several phases in life where it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We know or at least we hope, as a normal person, there’s a light but our pain and suffering, our unrelenting personal desires, and many more, blocked our vision.

However, with the strength provided by our God in his abiding grace, we are not consumed by the Evil One but strived to move forward at any pace we could afford.

There are times when – tomorrow, next month, next year promise no good development. I’ve been there in my poverty, failing health, unfulfilled dreams. Yet my hope in the Lord keeps me alive, deliver me, and he will in time to come.

Unconsumed by Poverty:

In our adverse situations, we are tempted to lose hope in the Lord. Even though I was taught to imbibe, having undying love and hope on the teachings of Jesus Christ through my parents, at first.

Poverty had consumed many young people, losing hope to survive in our fast forward living. Before we could master the newly developed software and apps, another better or easier cropped up. It leaves people with low-income group fuming as they try to adjust to the world.

That must have been another chapter considering my struggle to get an education by doing low graded temp job during my schooling days. This part of my life or our family life is something I’m still uncomfortable revisiting!

But the unfailing compassion of the Lord lets us not consumed in this worldly pilgrimage. We do not simply give in to the world but tried our best to trumped it although everyone does not attain their dream living, for our own good.

Unconsumed by Desires:

The mind is the battleground for the flesh and spirit. Living in flesh is having the mindset on what the flesh desires. But those who live in accordance with the spirit have their mindset on what the spirit desires.

Living in the realm of flesh means death or in other words, consumed by the desires of the flesh. Those who are in the realm of flesh cannot please God, says the Bible. (Romans 5)

Our desires must be the hardest thing to control, as we are to live in the spirit but still living the flesh. As such, many of us are consumed by our own desires. We don’t have the strength to control our desires but with the help of God, everything’s possible.

Once or many times, our desires may lead us to sin. It may lead us to embarrassing situations, sometimes, not wanting to face the world anymore. Let’s admit it, we faced such situations. But in the grace of God, when we confess to him, he saved us, not letting us get consumed.

Christ who is raised from the dead will not let us perish or consumed but give life to you through the Holy Spirit.

Relying on the Lord’s:

You may not see the next day alive. But God’s grace and mercy renewed in his compassion. Let us set goals acknowledging God. Without setting goals, our life has no meaning. It has nothing to weigh how far we go.

However, the feeling of being stagnant can kill us as well. We want to move forward but not as fast as we could. When our plans seem to matter not with anyone or even God, we wanted to give up. I urged you, let’s wait on, maybe it is one of those goals that needed more investments of time than others.

In James 4:13-15 it is written: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

Our life is a fleeting mist, it says. But it seems not when our going gets tough. We see the goals but sometimes missing on the steps and the way leading to it.

The Anchor of Life:

Although my life’s battered; no clouds on the horizon. I feel dry parched in the land of human. On my part, it is for me to wait and looked up. Looking up, literally or not, putting my hopes in the energy coming from the Lord will be a way to live in the land of man.

We may lead a detoured life or reduced to carcasses, in His glorious days the Lord will raise us up again. Joseph’s bones were carried from Egypt to Canaan – the Promised Land because of his faith and righteousness to the Lord. Even the dry bones of the faithful matter to the Lord.

The Lord’s same today and yesterday. He is the anchor which never fails. The God of Joseph is the same God we were worshipping until today. The anchor holds till the very end. ending in high spirit, as I saw some.

His guidance not letting us consumed
In the worldly pleasures and gluttony
Having none who spare the soul.
Knowing someone laid the price for my sin
Will not be consumed by sin anymore.
Knowing someone’s always there for me.

2 thoughts on “Unconsumed”

    • We can’t be more thankful than knowing someone who always pray for us! May the good Lord be with you and your family!


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