What Do You Expect – 1

Having expectations and fulfilling expectations are both a strenuous effort. There is no escape from it. We, as a human who are still living in our physical form, are fragile and our being is limited.

When our expectations are not met we tend to revolt in any manner. Some are violent while some are simply stubborn. This ruins a person, a family, and a nation. Here I wanted to talk about our expectations in various ways so that we rethink ourselves.

1. Expecting Physical Healing:
When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick he decided to went back to Judea. Jesus was not in a hurry to heal him. He simply said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4) It is for them to wait. They have no other option and the sad part is the sickness leads to death.

I suppose that the relatives might give up their hope of physical healing – an expectation they had from Jesus Christ who loved them. Yet he simply did not turn up in time. They have four good days to discern their hope in him.

His ‘four days late’ does not deter him from fulfilling their expectations. He woke up Lazarus from the dead and God is glorified in his deeds. Many times our waiting is for the glory of him; our waiting to be with him as well.

2. Expecting to Clean You:
“Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”And immediately leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone.” Luke 5:12-16
It is expected of him to keep the order he was given.

However, if you read the following verses you will find the rumors spread all the more and people crowded Jesus. He had to withdraw from the crowd in the lonely and prayed. The leper must be filled with joy but he was to follow what he was told. As we expected of Jesus, this cleansing also reminded us of our expected character as a disciple.

2. Expecting Forgiveness:
How can you forgive someone caught in the act? The evidence is in their hand – no further probe is needed. The next step is to decide the degree of punishment or how many counts to be charge.

There is a woman caught by the teachers of the law and the Pharisees in the presence of Jesus. Her sentencing of death is hanging in the thread of grace for she has nothing to defend herself.

She was caught in the act! Her only expectation would be that this person whom she did not meet before would forgive her. As there is no one ready to throw a stone at her, everyone left. John 8:2-11

Then Jesus told her that she did not condemn her either as there is none among the crowd ready to hurl a stone at her. He said, “Go now and leave your life of sin!”

Yes, if you expect Jesus to forgive you, he will. Only he has the authority to do so. He will forgive you if you confess your sin before him – you will be redeemed!

3. Expecting to find Loopholes:
During his short time here on earth Jesus was followed by every sort of person. And it is the same as today. There were many, who will try to find fault or loopholes in the teaching and stories about him. It will go on till the end of the world.

If Jesus weren’t so capable to change to world no one would pay attention to him. He is here to change the destiny of the world and he already did it so. The arguments in Mark 10:17-30 are to ponder for.

The teachers and Pharisees of his lifetime tried to found loopholes in him. They try to downplay him. He is nothing superior, they would call him. Yet his authority is unmatchable. For, he is God.

As he had forewarned his detractor keeps on increasing. It will not downgrade the faith of his true follower but magnify their trust in him. It is advantages you!

To be continued

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