
All I have with me is words right now. Yet I do not take it as the diminutive sign of me. Well, it might be.

Words – I’m not well versed with my choice of words either.

As I sat alone in the sitting room of our small four-walled accommodation, several things came to my mind. Today I remained undisturbed by my children whom I granted them to do anything that satisfies them for a short while.

And, I realized it’s my word that granted them happiness in the first place.

Then I hover my cursor over the google satellite map where I spent my younger days. I hover my mind over small hills and valleys. The forested areas, and the barely walkable streets where I treaded with my friends.

Putting the beautiful and memorable faces I have met aside, I saw those places where I made dreams for my future life when I’d grow up, which must be the time I’m spending right now!

I’m lost for my next word……No, I have lots of words inside me. It’s just that I better kept it inside me. Words hurt; words can cure, words are powerful!

Then I looked back: I’ve followed my dream route – work in my dream job and offices. Even today performing one of my most loved duties. I’m filled with words of gratitude to the Lord my God for leading me this far.

Then I also noticed I have only words of thanksgiving with me to offer to the Lord. He is looking after our hearts. I know my inner being…so I did not expect God will be pleased by my work or my word. I give thanks for his abiding grace.

Reduced to Words

I have also realized all my dreams are reduced to words. I possess none, limited physical mobility, and nothing but words to give my relatives and friends.

Let me also tell you something – when you only have words with no money to offer even to our brothers and sisters, you’re more likely to keep them annoyed! You easily get tagged – you do not have the solution. At least I am less bothered.

As you know, the realizations after the hospital visits can be unpleasant at times. Yet it can be the necessary thrust to our life. Further, living with the consequent chronic illness isn’t that easy!

Words = Flesh

When the time is right the WORD became FLESH and made his dwelling among us.

When I am down this word carries me, sometimes pulled me, dragged me to move forward. His dwelling among us makes me closer to him. It is because I believe in him. He has overcome this world!

So, I keep telling his words – at my level, not drawing large crowds but passing on the “Living Water” in our pilgrimage.

We were still valued although we may have only words in our hands. The words in our hand if God uses them for his glory will become the sling in David’s hand, the staff in Moses’ hand. It is God who will do the work.

Thus, I concluded here that I’m elated to have the word with me!

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