Don’t Ask Me Why!

Don’t ask me why I’m dumb
I lose my cheery face sometimes
I’m in pain, no one knows my heart.
It’s hard to talk I better tell not
Yet I have hope with me.

Don’t ask me why my jaws are tight;
I can hardly utter my words
Yet bitter words I’d utter less.
When my jaws are open;
I’ll shout and sing for joy
For I have hope in the Lord
In a world filled with sorrows and pain,
without the living hope,
none would survive.

Don’t ask me what are my plans;
I’ve planned many yet none really matters.
I’m not giving up; but flowing
with the tide now
Being Jesus as my anchor.

I lost my happiness on the way;
Some day I took it back
In a land of strangers insecure is me.
Where would my help come from;
I don’t know yet
But I have hope in the Lord.

I wanted a glowing face too,
One day I will trade my yoke;
with His in its entirety,
Glowing in His glory,
From and for him alone.

Despised; forlorn I may be
Yet I find happiness in the
Channelized grace of my God
I don’t know what the future holds;
Yet I will live on
For, I have hope in Him.

P.S. Some months ago I wrote this piece. By this time, I think, I’m in the right peace of mind to share it with you. If you ask someone “why” hear them out although they might not be able to tell you all. Yet you can instill hope and comfort through the word of the Lord if you hear them out.

3 thoughts on “Don’t Ask Me Why!”

  1. We all have those times. You are no alone or ever alone. Thank you for sharing. You are right there are others who needed those words today. But I’m also thankful God allowed those words to be released from your soul and poured out to touch the hearts and souls of others. Blessings, Sister.


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