Sweating Out Happyness

It’s Monday night again. It’s almost past 10pm and outside temperature is still raging at 40 Degrees Celsius/104 Fahrenheit and my sweat dripped down from my forehead. I went out to buy our vegetable and fruit stock for the coming week.

It’s a good day to buy fresh vegetables in a slightly lower than normal market rate. So, Monday nights are our marketing days, locating in a walking distance around our neighborhood. In any case, we met someone we’ve known, we’d whispered ‘it’s too hot, almost unbearable!’ and the other always nodding in agreement.

Roadside market
Open Vegetable Market

Once I reached the neighborhood market, the pavements, sidewalks, and driveways are filled with pools of vendors and customers despite the heat. Some need to make their living while the others can’t stay starved either.

Although it doesn’t help much, it’s inspiring to see all people we met sweating out profusely. For some fitness freak, it must be a good day out.

Gratitude in my Sweating Experience:

Once I filled my bucket list for buying, I slowly moved towards our residential building. Covered with sweat, it made me happy recalling what had happened to me for long or few weeks ago.

“Heeeey! I am really happy….I am really delighted, Lord,” I said to myself as I walked the narrow streets and observing the swooning trees.

Should someone observe me from distance or hear my toned voice, they’d really thought I had gone mad or not. Especially, if they’re not used to seeing someone speaking to self or to God while walking. However, my happiness had it covered.

“Don’t give me wisdom or knowledge, just give me the strength to endure the good fight,” I continued.

Few weeks ago, I was weak; not fit for this simple task. But instead of rehabilitating inside the room, it was a great joy to experience sweating out as I carry my loads.

It was my way of talking and giving thanks or showing my gratitude to my God who saved my life in His grace. I’ve seen happy hearts unable to sweat it out. Be happy first, then happyness will follow.

Looking at the Stars:

I don’t believe in studying and relying on the stars. But I enjoyed watching them twinkling in the presence of their Creator. And if someone believed stars govern their life, it’s up to them.

Looking at the night sky, that too after a while, due to many reasons I said:

“Dear God, I wanted to see the star…..ah, it’s not there! Well, I found one! I wanted to see one more.”

And I waited. I saw one more. So on Monday night I saw two stars, I said.

But my head spanned, almost making me feel dizzy. I stand there for a while till I move forward heading my home.

It reminded me of my childhood days in the countryside where with my friends, we lay back upon a haystack, counting the bright stars. Different shapes can be drawn using their locations. Let me recalled here that finding imaginary pictures and shapes, which is stored inside someone’s head, was a real treat.

Well, I make it home safe and sound with a sense of happy-ness.

The Psalmist wrote: (Psalms 19:1-2)

The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.

But few are people who hear the voice of God.

In captivity; a life seized, we can hardly see the goodness of God. When our livings are captivated in our selfishness and desires, we found no meaning or gratitude towards God, the Creator. The good news is that we’re freed; entitled freedom in the name of Jesus Christ.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened; I’ll give you rest,” assured the Lord. (Matt. 11:28) So, we may sweat today but rest awaits us!

2 thoughts on “Sweating Out Happyness”

  1. This was very powerful. Thank you for posting this. It made me calmer today, and more centered. After reading this post, I am more motivated to fill my day less with anger and more with gratitude. Thank you….


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