The Beautiful Walkway

Like a diameter curved out between parks; this beautiful walkway passes through two parks, one point of a gate to another. The walkway was shaded by trees on either side at several intervals, which makes the walk more enticing.

There is a gate, for entry, to the park at the middle of the walkway. So, when we visited this park we’d walk through it. Moreover, I usually wanted to pass through this stretch during my office-going days, which makes me changed my route very often.

Walkway shaded by trees
The Beautiful Walkway

Now, we’d usually go out in the evening to play ball here in the park. My children are eagerly waiting for me since I underwent brain surgery. I took it as my duty, as a stay-at-home-dad, whenever I can play with them. Especially in autumn days, I wanted to smell the changing season.

Some months after my surgery, we’re in the middle of our playing one day, when I felt uneasiness in me. As I could, I instructed my children aged three and five, to gather their gears in the fastest way possible. By now, I hardly saw the ball rolling; but when I saw, blurred out in the grass.

With the pain in the head my body struggling to move, I try to wear a smile, as we moved out of the park. Then we went through this beautiful walkway. But today, it appears blurred, with no beauty in it.

My eyes may not be clear but I can see home in my mind. And that keep me going at that moment and time. We needed to be home!

Here in the park, no one speaks our language and I need to care for safety of my children too. So, we walk holding my children in one arm.

We reached home safe, and the pain subsides gradually. We thank God for His care despite the consequential fatigue still are lingering in my body.

It was not a onetime experience for me. It happened to me number of times in the past.

The Walkway Called Life:

We went through several walkways in our life. Our life itself is a walkway that we walked every day. We can’t expect anyone to walk for us; nor will they walk for us. It’s short when we’re happy; but not in times of adversity.

The walkway called LIFE is designed by our Creator, to be equally good and beautiful in its essence. We pictured our life when we were young: the time for securing jobs, getting married, spending quality time with family, and retired but active period, and so on.

Yet the shades of life, at times, become blurry being shaded by financial matter, ill health, and the likes. As a stay at home dad, money and status was a setback for me but there’s something more to it. Don’t exchange the love of Jesus for all these things. The famous quotes axioms of sermons and preaching do not enhance our happiness. Some attacked our life when you are unprepared; like the occurrence I told you before.

But this verse from the book of Jeremiah (in the Bible), which I also quoted several times before, echoes the theme of our life. It reads: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Guidance on the Way:

We often wanted ready to applied formulas; the ‘How to’ guidelines for everything. It is different in real life. We wanted the pastors, our parents, mentors, and loved ones to show us practical helpful tips for quality living. But it doesn’t happen that way.

After several years of waiting for a child we are blessed with children, I even quit my job so as to care and guide them, if possible, shaping them as a good human being. I did collected materials I could find, but let me tell you, there’s no such thing as ‘sure success guidelines’ without the help of God.

Who do you want to coach you life? Who do you want to coach you as a parent, son, daughter, and so on. It depends on you. In the battle between good and evil (Ephesians 5:15-16), only God can coach you. The best guidance are found in the Bible.

As for my children, it is my prayer that they would be place in the best position, here on earth, where they would serve the Lord best. It is my duty to teach them, coached them if necessary, the way to God – the God who prepares a place for us.

We cannot coach God; only God can coach us in our mission to exalt Him.

Walking with Him:

Walking the beautiful walkway, that day, was like a lifetime walk. For believers in Christ, there are times we need to strive more so that we may get home. We may get hurt; but we will get home, if we put our trust in the Lord.

While even a short walk in the park can lead to something; which is almost unbearable at times, our daily activities and intention towards life and the Giver of life, could possibly harm us. The best part is that the Giver of Life also wanted to walk the walk with us.

You may not see the exit gate of the walkway, or you may saw the face of death once, but remember Jesus Christ is there with us. Not only today; but now and forever!

I’ve been through it, at some extent, but I never was learned! The more I went through the more of His secrets He’d whisper. Getting to know Him more; leaning on Him more, and learning so as to not miss out His purpose and goodness, would be my song.

The hope of finishing well, not letting us consumed on the way, and resting with our Abiding Savior keeps our journey worthy!

Walk Joyously

As we walked down the road
It is short when you’re happy
You enjoy the road more;
When you have full strength
The road seems longer more;
When you’re troubled
Staring deep till the end;
You can barely walk fast.

There’s a road each of us take;
We have to walk as long as it takes
We may walk through it all
Or we may stumble in the middle
Your faith and hope will tell you
With grace, we can walk joyously!

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