Which Business?

Some years ago, I have worked in the Banking Sector to have a steady income. I thought of retiring from there only, I love the people and job over there. After some years of working and training, I got to know the tip of how businessmen are running their errands. Frankly speaking, I have a weak and emotional heart to take a dip in one of the businesses I have witnessed them running.

There’s a need for desire in something that must motivate a person to risk their all in running after money. Well, once they succeed, they need to learn the way of managing taxes and everything with the greatest profit possible for them. One thing, I observed during that time was that the desire for making more money doesn’t seem to end unless they face obstacles or have to divert funds to other areas of innovations and investments.

We have to help businessmen run their errands very smoothly while providing capital for further investments. All the banking procedures are checked so that in any case the institution may not suffer because of these lenders. I admire people who are hungry for finding a way to accumulate more wealth but not their trade or way of living.

In that way, we can be busy our whole life. We can be busy in any workplace. It’s a matter of time, hard work, and integrity to hold high positions in our workplace.

What is God’s Business?

I am not God; I’m just a human. So, I cannot tell you anything God did. Let me give you a glimpse of it. God does not need a business like ours for his upkeeping, but he still works miraculously at all times. God takes care of his creation.

He provides them with their needs spiritually and physically. Spiritually, God is with us and heals our emotional hurt. Physically, he heals our wounds and cuts. What if the doctor’s wait for the wound after surgery for healing didn’t come in time? I’ve been there…, the waiting period would be gruesome without God.

However, we must pray and acknowledge him for our needs and concern, as we’re the children of God. It’s a privilege we had a father-son relationship. Yet we are not the planner but God has a plan for everyone – for some, it may be wealth, pearls of wisdom, and everything. And more importantly, his grace is sufficient for many. He is the comforter. Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Cor.12:9

God is on the mission of saving the perishing by his sacrificial work as he was crucified on the cross because of our sins so that we may have life if we believe and accept him as our savior. Here it reads:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus Christ to die for our sake), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (with emphasis added) John 3:16

His business is teaching the way to the Father. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6

Busy in God’s Business:

We can be part of God’s business by tending his sheep, saving the perishing, and living in the light. Here’s the Great Commission:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20.

Nehemiah left the prestigious job of his time as the cupbearer of the king to restore the children of God. He has the desiring heart, and commitment to be in the business of the Lord.

Peter left his profession on the spot to follow Jesus so that he can be trained for his future ministry. And all the disciples chosen later follow suit. They were busy in God’s business, changing their profession, until their death.

Whose Business were You Right Now?

This is the big question I wanted to ask every one of us. If we were part of God’s business, we may not be rich here on earth but our treasure is in heaven. We will be rich in the eyes of God. For he promises and rewarded his workers irrespective of the time they joined.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Just as Jesus is busy in his father’s business, we too can be busy in his father’s business. Some of us worked overseas while many others can also be busy at home in God’s business. Can we also be an entrepreneur in the kingdom harvest of God? Have your say.

We can be busy in God’s business wherever we are or no matter what we do if we have the desire for it. Which business is worth our time?

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